Heat recovery by Idex

Just like biomass, solar and biogas energies, heat recovery results in cleaner energy at lesser cost for manufacturers and local authorities. Heat recovery involves recycling the heat energy generated by other activities that is generally lost. This is called ‘waste heat’, and can be used to heat housing or even produce electricity.

Why draw on heat recovery?

Heat recovery involves recycling waste heat, meaning thermal energy that is produced by an industrial process and is otherwise left unused. As an example, waste processing plants generate huge amounts of heat when they incinerate materials for destruction. This energy is then recycled into electricity, or used to heat collective housing. Waste heat can be recovered from all sorts of processes, both industrial and non-industrial: data centers, steam generation facilities, foundry ovens, paper-making machines, and more.

A study aimed at assessing industrial waste heat resources conducted by the ADEME and CEREN in 2015 put France’s national resources at 51 TWh.



The benefits of heat recovery

Heat recovery offers a number of environmentally-friendly advantages, but comes with economic benefits for manufacturers and local authorities, too:

  • Recycling energy that is generated and would otherwise be lost offers an alternative to fossil fuels such as fuel oil and coal
  • Heat recovery generates zero (or very little) CO₂ emissions
  • Waste heat is a cheap form of energy, because it’s produced by another industrial process. This means lower costs, although the energy recovery site must be located close to the buildings or facilities that need heating
  • And finally, because heat recovery uses renewable and recovered (R&R) energies, funding opportunities are available to help finance your plans.

Heat recovery by Idex

A global service

Local authorities and manufacturers can delegate their heat recovery plans to Idex in order to meet their targets in terms of caring for the planet, achieving energy efficiency and reducing costs.

Idex benefits its clients and offers a turnkey service by drawing on its close ties with the group’s other areas of expertise, such as heating network management and energy efficiency services. Idex invests in partnerships with its clients and commits to achieving tangible results.

Idex’s technical expertise

From design to operation

By entrusting Idex with running their heat recovery units, our clients enjoy high-impact results in terms of:

  • Installation availability and capacity
  • Recycling local industrial waste heat
  • Converting and selling the energy produced (particularly cogenerated electricity)
  • Perfectly controlled CO2 emissions.

Contact a local agency

Guaranteed results

By entrusting Idex with running their heat recovery units, our clients enjoy high-impact results in terms of:

  • Installation availability and capacity,
  • Recycling local industrial waste heat
  • Converting and selling the energy produced (particularly cogenerated electricity)
  • Perfectly controlled CO2 emissions.

A leading name in the heat recovery sector

The Saint-Jean Belcier heating network

This network was brought in by the Bordeaux greater area’s local authority as part of its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Idex developed a local energy solution in which 90% of the network is powered by recovered heat, thanks to the Unité d’Incinération des Ordures Ménagères (household waste incineration unit) in Bègles.

The network heats a total of 11,000 housing units and 570 000 m² of office and retail space.