Establishing an Energy Performance Contract (EPC) for your building
Energy Performance Contracts were ushered in in 2009 with a view to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They are designed to ensure project owners make energy savings.
What is an Energy Performance Contract?
Energy Performance Contracts are covered by the Loi Grenelle, in a tool designed to create lasting energy efficiency improvements in a building or collection of buildings. These contracts govern the relationship between a private- or public-sector project owner, and an operator.
The Energy Performance Contract translates into high energy performance, and several other key factors that come into play.
An EPC comes hand-in-hand with a series of guaranteed results. It offers our clients reassurance, and is used as a yardstick for performance. It ensures building managers achieve complete, 360-degree optimization of their energy system, while reducing costs and better protecting the environment.
The challenges of the Energy Performance Contract
- concrete, real reductions in a building’s energy consumption,
- investment in works, supplies and services,
- measured, verified long-term energy performance improvement,
- a compensation system should the targets fail to be reached.
Idex: your Energy Performance Contract specialist
A partner you can trust
Idex is France’s leading independent name in energy transition. Its independence with respect to traditional energy producers (both nuclear electricity and gas), and its service-led subsidiaries are markers of its impartiality and sense of innovation.
An all-encompassing approach to energy efficiency
Idex undertakes to serve up measurable, lasting results by working with a method based on taking a 360-degree approach to energy efficiency:
A guarantee of measurable results
- A 360-degree approach
- Choosing the most efficient course of action every time
- Financing works and spreading costs
- Undertaking and receiving improvement works in line with clients’ cost-cutting targets
- Guaranteeing and maintaining performance over the long term
EPCs cover all energy processes and can be tailored to align with each site and region’s specific needs:
- Energy audits
- Assessing and selecting all action to be taken
- Financial engineering, tapping into grants and financial support, general financial package structuring (heating funds, ADEME, regional subventions and grants, eco-loans, tax credits, etc.)
- Designing, developing, and/or managing all works operations thanks to our expert teams and their qualified partners
- managing energy supply and handling supplier relations
- Operations and maintenance
- Comprehensive performance tracking, checking, and managing
- Implementing and monitoring measurement protocols
- Raising building users’ awareness of best practices and eco-friendly habits
- Supporting clients in achieving regulatory and financial performance based on results
- Heavy maintenance and equipment replacements
Idex’s added value
More than just a means to an end, EPCs come with a number of financial, technical, and management-related benefits for public- and private-sector project developers.
Idex undertakes to optimize energy consumption under contracts that can vary from five to ten years, complete with multi-year works plans and related blueprints, and potentially even funding for works.
EPCs come in three different stages:
- The first stage requires no works, but is primarily concerned with configuring and adjusting installations.
- The second stage revolves around replacing energy production equipment with higher-performing options (such as replacing a boiler, for example).
- The third stage covers building insulation.
Testimonial: The town of Thonon-Les-Bains
The tourist resort of Thonon-Les-Bains chose Idex for an EPC that spans 59 public buildings. The town aimed to reduce its energy consumption by 20%. Idex’s solution exceeded these expectations, bolstering the town’s energy performance by 28% over an eight-year period.
« Idex’s proposal caught our eye: it was pragmatic and adapted to each of the buildings. The solutions were recommended based on their cost/performance ratio in terms of energy savings.»

Idex signs an EPC with the Saint-Denis hospital center
The Saint-Denis hospital center signed a ten-year Energy Performance Contract with Idex subsidiary Multidex.
This EPC covers heating, domestic hot water, and ventilation installations.
The partnership will allow for high-impact sustainable development action to be taken in order to boost the installations’ energy and environmental performance.
Optimization works under the terms of this EPC have been scheduled for all these installations, staggered over a three-year period:
- Replacing the air-handling units
- Setting up energy recovery systems on the air-handling units
- Pre-heating domestic hot water via a solar energy system
- Installing automatic meters